It’s not you, it’s me: when authors jump genres

A blood elf in Warcraft dancing like Napoleon Dynamite? Sure, why not? I’m open to anything. I love this dance!

My favourite author jumping genres? Wait, what? Which genre? I’m not open to everything.

When I read a book by one of my favourite authors and they’ve taken on a new style to fit a new genre and added elements I never agreed to,  my heart sinks and I feel guilty for not feeling the love.  One minute I’m tweeting reviews and retweeting other people’s reviews, and then retweeting the author’s retweets of other people’s reviews of their books, and the next minute I’m hiding under the desk becoming uncharacteristically silent when I’m normally so vocal. I want to stick with them, I’m not completely unreasonable. Should I remain as supportive as before just because it isn’t my thing?

I used to love Fantasy; it was my first love, before Urban Fantasy and you never forget your first love. I am not trending to Game of Thrones when I say that I would love to write a  true Fantasy novel one day. I’d shake my David Eddings and Raymond E.Feist books at you for proof, but they’d get all ratty with my vehemence. And I’d challenge you to a duel with my ten level 80 Warcraft characters if I didn’t have to close down my account three years ago because I was so obsessed. I’d love to see David Eddings write a YA Contemporary romance, though. Has he? I’m so out of touch with my roots…

YA to NA to Adult and back. Not a problem for me, as long as the elements and style is similar.

Some leaps are more like a shuffle, some leaps can clear huge, gaping chasms.

What leaps have you stretching with the author, bracing yourself for the journey, and what genre jumps have you pouting like a 14 year old who has had their Warcraft account cancelled by Mummy? Okay… like a 39 year old who had to cancel their Warcraft account because they are obsessive.

If you don’t like the leap, are you just as supportive?

I’m not really saying what leaps are too big for me, am I?

Here’s the real Napoleon Dynamite to distract you with his awesomeness.


YA,NA and Adult: Blurring the lines

I’m going to be making some huge generalisations here. I’m in the final stages of my second to last edit and I have to take some leaps. Forgive me if I fall into a big hole in the process. I’ll roll over and expose my belly later, but I don’t have the time right now.

I should probably note here that I’m a huge Urban Fantasy fan ( with Urban Fantasy there’s a paranormal aspect, but the romance normally takes a back seat. If romance was driving, it would be called Paranormal Romance.) and my comments about contemporary romances are probably ill-informed and basic. But considering it takes up a large part of the NA market, and this is where my book fits age-wise, I have to acknowledge it’s existence.

Hi, NA Contemporary Romance *waves sheepishly*.  I’m Urban Fantasy, new to the block. No, please keep your pants on, this is just an informal introduction.

The year New Adult  was born ( protag aged between 18-25 I believe) , I contemplated writing a book. It was certainly  before the age group was accepted as its own category,  but I didn’t know it existed at the time.  I don’t know if I shied away from writing New Adult because of this, or because I wasn’t ready period. Redundant statement really.

I heard NA was born because some authors were being handed back their manuscripts and told: make the characters younger, tone down the sex and lets get some YA love out of the market. People wanted to write about emotions, the exciting time where you leave your parents to experiment life.  I believe it started with books like Jamie McGuire’s Beautiful Disaster. Still pretty tame for NA really. The setting was university, but the sex didn’t dominate. I don’t know what happened though – over the next few years NA contemporary romance seems to have become very erotic.  I could proclaim myself a prude with my desire to shy away from reads that are heavily erotic. I don’t know if this is it though. And I’m not saying they don’t have great story lines that hook you in- I almost stayed up all night reading Beautiful Disaster. I guess I’m confused as to why the NA that’s selling well seems erotically skewed. Is this because there are no other NA genres available to this age group? Why can’t we have NA that reads like YA, but with older characters? Oh, but less angsty than YA.

When you take out the angst, you can almost argue it becomes more adult in nature. But considering a lot of my content and humour could be considered juvenile to adult readers,  this isn’t exactly where I sit either.  My character doesn’t tolerate boundaries, so I’ll be damned if I shove her somewhere she doesn’t want to go.

I’m blurring the lines. My book isn’t angsty, it isn’t romancey, it isn’t adult, it isn’t not erotic. Am I doomed? Will romance forever be kicking the back of my seat saying, “Let me drive. I can do this so much better, and I’ll do it better nude?”

When you’re writing, do you consider what appeals to your market, or like me, do you write what appeals to you, and hope that it will resonate with the right readers who can be of any age.